We live in a time when everything becomes digital. This fundamental transformation impacts society, economy, our ecosystems, the way we work and live as species on our planet. We believe that this transformation is an opportunity for everybody. We imagine a world that is full of exciting solutions. Therefore we want to create a positive and regenerative future.

Together with our clients, we develop outstanding digital solutions. We create digital strategies, SaaS products, websites, digital experiences and marketing/communication solutions. We use open source tools and are vendor independent. We apply our «project compass», «continuous optimisation and support service» as well as «workshops and trainings». We constantly improve on every level, personal, team, company to ultimately serve our clients while planting trees.

We are a tribe. We continuously sense, respond and adapt to what is needed by stakeholders. We continuously build capacity. We use human centered, agile, lean and holo-/sociocratic methods. Ultimately we create and develop our own organisational structure called Nodecracy. We do a lot of 1:1 coaching. We learn by feedback. We celebrate.

Our Values

Make something beautiful.

We are creators. We like to do beautiful things. Regardless of whether it is a product, an experience, code or design - we strive to make it beautiful. With beautiful we mean, high in quality, highly ergonomic and high in value for the end user.

Go Forward.

We question the status quo. We experiment with new methods, new technologies and new perspectives. 
We not only talk, we do, we go forward.

Regenerative Mindset.

We strive for a regenerative mindset. We know that acting sustainably is not enough. We help to regenerate ecology, economy, our tribe as well as ourselves.

Glocal - Global and Local.

The world becomes globalised. We strive for integrating global and local. We honour cultural heritage, the individuality of “local” and we desire the diversity of “global”. Think global, be local, act glocal.

Network Weaving.

We see ourselves as network weavers in every aspect. We engage in networks. We connect and build strong relationships. In other words: We favour collaboration over competition.

Tension driven.

We do the right thing in serving our tribe, our customers, our products, our end-users, our suppliers and even our competitors. This means we bring tensions to the table and look for the right next action.