Living Systems Mindset.

Living Systems Mindset.

NETNODE is a forest.

We think, that an organisation should be described as a living system. A food forest is a wonderful picture to describe us. In a forest, there is no central “boss” who command and controls all plants and animals living in the forest.

  • Fruit and vegetable gardens: A garden is for us like a client project where we grow fruits together. When we harvest, we get one part of the harvest.
  • Plant nursery: The plant nursery is our innovation lab. We can plant new trees and let them in the wild and see how they work. (Experimentation, innovation)
  • Fire place: We as tribe members meet at the fire place to listen and tell stories, have a drink, play games.
  • Outlook tower: The tower for us is like watch over the horizon and see what’s going on in the world.
  • Composting facility: The compost is, where we digest and condense material (Retrospectives, Feedback)
  • Beach: The place where we celebrate our success.
  • Shed: The place where we store our tools and books.

“Our organisation is like a forest. It’s a stable living system, but everything is growing and changing constantly.”